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[25] Dongyeob Lee and Eunsuk Kim*. Natural variation of the diaspore-ant interaction in Coreanomecon hylimeconoides. 한국생태환경과학협의회 학술발표대회. 2022


[24] 정서린, 김은석*. Genotype-specific drought stress ameliorating effect of seed endophytes on invasive Lactuca serriola. 한국생태환경과학협의회 학술발표대회. 2022


[23] 김유석, 김은석*. 산림 벌채에 의한 토양, 근권 그리고 잎 미생물 군집들의 수도와 다양성의 비교. 한국생물과학협회 정기학술대회. 2022


[22] Hyungsoon Jeong and Eunsuk Kim*. Population Dynamics of Primula forinosa subsp. modesta for Matrix of Population model and Integral Projection Model. 한국생물과학협회 정기학술대회. 2022


[21] Byungwook Choi, Taemin Kim, Seorin Jeong, Yousuk Kim, Eunsuk Kim*. Seed borne endophytic bacteria modulate the season of seed germination and exert cascading effects on the expression of post-germination traits and natural selection. EVOLUTION. 2022

[20] Haeji Shin and Eunsuk Kim*. Comparison of Biotic and Abiotic Environmental Factors of Humulus japonicus Invaded in Riverbank. 한국생태환경과학협의회 학술발표대회. 2021


[19] 신혜지, 정형순, 장하영, 김은석*. 바이오폴리머 신소재 처리 국내 하천 테스트베드의 출현 식물종 모니터링. 응용생태공학회 학술발표대회. 2021

​"우수 발표 논문상"

[18] 정형순, 신혜지, 장하영, 김은석*. 바이오폴리머 처리와 경쟁 관계에 따른 제방 식생 생장 특성 연구. 응용생태공학회 학술발표대회. 2020

[17] Haeji Shin, Hyungsoon Jeong, Eunsuk Kim*. Effects of the B-glucan and Xanthan gum-based Biopolymer on the Dominant Plant Species in the Korean Riverbanks. 응용생태공학회 기술발표대회. 2020

 “우수 발표 논문상”

[16] Sangsun Lee and Eunsuk Kim*. Inter- and intraspecific competition between invasive Taraxacum officinale and native Taraxacum platycarpum. 한국생물과학협회 정기학술대회. 2019



[15] Dongyeob Lee, Hyejin Park, Tae-Young Kim, Eunsuk Kim*. Natural variation of elaiosome and seed traits in Coreanomecon hylomeconoides in Korea. 한국생물과학협회 정기학술대회. 2019


[14] A. Jo. Intraspecific variation in the salt tolerance in Conyza canadensis. 한국생태환경과학협의회 학술발표대회. 2018


[13] H. Jeong and E. Kim*. Population Dynamics Research using Matrix Projection Model (MPM) of Primula farinosa var. modesta population in Korea. 한국생태환경과학협의회 학술발표대회. 2018


[12] S. Jeong. Identification of culturable seed endophytes from Lactuca serriola L. and comparison of endophyte community between distant geographical regions. 한국생물과학협회 정기학술대회. 2018


[11] H. Jeong and E. Kim*. Effects of the β-glucan and xanthan gum-based biopolymer on the plant performance. The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Asia-Pacific. 2018

[10] H. Jeong and E. Kim*. 자생지 내 설앵초 개체군의 자연적 변이와 형질 비교 분석. 한국생태환경과학협의회 학술발표대회. 2017

[9] S. Woo and E. Kim*. 외래 및 자생 가막사리속 (Bidens spp.) 식물의 시비 및 경쟁 처리 비교 연구. 한국생태환경과학협의회 학술발표대회. 2017


[8] B. Choi and E. Kim*. Phenotypic differentiation in Capsella bursa-pastoris Populations and Comparison of their seed entophytic communities. 한국미생물학회연합 국제학술대회. 2016

  “Outstanding Oral Presentation Award”

[7] B. Choi and E. Kim*. Population differentiation of Capsella bursa-pastoris and their seed endophytic community. The 7th East Asian Federation of Ecological Societies International Congress. 2016

 "Best Oral Presentation"


[6] B. Choi, H. Jeong and E. Kim*. Effects of air temperature and soil moisture on vegetative and reproductive traits in tow population of Capsella bursa-pastoris (Brassiceceae). International symposium on Plant Science & the Annual conference of the Korean Society of Plant Biologists. 2015


[5] B. Choi and E. Kim*. Isolation and identification of endophytes from seeds of Capsella bursa-pastoris (Brassiceceae). 70th Annual meeting of the Korean Association of Biological Sciences. 2015

  "Excellence Presentation Award"


[4] E. Kim and K. Donohue. Local adaptation of Erysimum capitatum across altitudes: Implications for responses to climate change. Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America. 2012


[3] Rai, H.S., M. Chonofsky, D. Kelch, R.C. Cronn, M. Parks, N. Nagalingum, E. Kim, A. Vo, M. Frank, J. Li, A. Liston, and S. Mathews. Generic and familial relationships within conifers inferred from nuclear data. BSA/ASPT meetings (Botany 2009), Snowbird, Utah. ((K. Donohue presenter)


[2] E. Kim and K. Donohue. Natural variation in reproductive lifespan in Erysimum capitatum: resource allocation and beyond. Annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution. 2008


[1] K. Donohue, C. Griffith, L. Dorn, E. Kim. A. Aguilaria. Plasticity of life history in response to germination timing in Arabidopsis thaliana. Annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution. 2003  (K. Donohue presenter)

Evolutionary Ecology Laboratory

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